Psoriasis — what is it, where, symptoms, treatment and diet

Psoriasis - what is it, where, symptoms, treatment and diet Psoriasis is the most common type of chronic dermatosis. Statistics show that this disease hurting approximately 5 percent of the world's population. From the article, you will learn what psoriasis is, if it happens, what its symptoms and how to treat at home.

psoriasis, which Taco the NAME of the there are symptoms, treatment
Psoriasis is not contagious and is not contagious chronic disease. At the same time, the disease is dangerous and gives the user discomfort, which may affect the quality of life.

The first signs of psoriasis

Psoriasis is accompanied by occurrence of stains on the skin dry red patches. However, not every patient shows visible signs of and express the of injury to the skin. Patches, called plaques. Represent areas of chronic inflammation is characterized by excessive growth of the skin, lymphocytes and macrophages.

The duration of the life cycle of skin cells psoriasis does not exceed 5 days, then die. In normal cells live for a month. According to doctors, psoriasis is a systemic. Living proof for that are the diseases and problems that appear in patients.

In most cases, the panels appear on the skin that are regularly exposed to friction and pressure - buttocks, knees and elbows. There are cases when the psoriasis affects the head, face, genitals, hands and feet.

Psoriasis is a very dangerous disease, with recurrent pain, itching, and covered with cracks that ooze, skin. This is just the tip of the iceberg, then they appear serious complications. Patients may develop a specific form of arthritis that is considered the most dangerous manifestation of psoriasis. Confirm the diagnosis without a clinical examination it is impossible.

If it is psoriasis

if it is psoriasis

None of the parts of the human body is not immune before the appearance of the psoriatic plates. I suggest to consider the places where psoriasis appears most often.

On the head

On head psoriasis occurs common disease of the skin and appears as one of the red panels covered with thick scales. Exfoliated flakes resembling dandruff, the patient is experiencing severe itching and thick crusts can bleed. In some cases, it is not excluded, temporary local hair loss.

On the body

Noticed red patches of psoriasis on the legs, arms, hands, even on the nail plates of hands and feet. Because psoriasis is a chronic disease, periods of improvement of a condition alternating with repeated relapses. The size of the panels is determined by the severity and stage of the disease.

On the nails

The impact of psoriasis and the nail plates that flake and change color. Accompanied by unpleasant sensations and pain syndromes. The pathology is chronic and occurs in waves. Psoriasis of the nail gives a person mental and physical discomfort. Treatment is long-term and helps only to eliminate the symptoms of dermatitis and return to normal life.

Stages of psoriasis

stages of psoriasis

Modern doctors have found the 3 levels of psoriasis. Symptoms and treatment depend directly on the stage.

The main stages of psoriasis


On the body appear petechial elements, which is typical for the external growth. Together with each other, as a result, instead of small rashes appear large panels of different shapes and sizes. With progressive rash, psoriasis, sometimes occur at the site of skin injuries, scratches, cuts, stings, burns or injections.

In the stationary.

This phase begins a few weeks later with the emergence of the disease. In this phase, new spots do not appear. The old skin education included a larger number of scales silver-white in color.


In this time, the pad dissolves and becomes a light colored. Around the eruptions the skin is discolored. The duration of the regressive phase is several months. Under the influence of the treatment of the disease takes place, leaving several duty inputs.

Sad, but to completely cure, psoriasis can be very rare. At the time of treatment, the disease enters a latent phase, the duration of which is months, years and even decades. When will the second iteration depends largely on patient counseling and doctor appointments.

Symptoms and causes of psoriasis

The results of recent studies, which are striking. Psoriasis occurs in a large number of the world's population of all ages. The top of the falls at the age of fifteen years.


Doctors failed to draw up a list of the precise causes of psoriasis. I suggest to think about the reasons, depending on the character.

  1. Virus. Viruses, harmful effect on the performance of the lymph nodes. Very difficult to identify these microorganisms and determine their habitats. It should be noted that the patient's blood after transfusion of a healthy patient infects. Therefore, this cause of psoriasis is considered to be unproven.
  2. Immune. The recognized cause. Trigger is considered a genetic process in which disturbed immune connection. Infectious disease, sore throat or sinusitis, may cause the occurrence of psoriasis.
  3. Infectious. Originally, scientists believed that the cause of the spirochetes, streptococci and even epidermofitona. The results of the studies have not confirmed this theory. A new hypothesis, show that the development of psoriasis caused by infectious diseases, including strep throat and the flu.
  4. A genetic link. We talk about hereditary predisposition to the disease. Clinical practice shows that it is a reflection of the scaly't a lot, but the tracking link with the hereditary predisposition is not always possible.


  • In the initial stage of the disease appear on the skin rashes. In the list of common sites: head, sacrum, elbows and knees.
  • The skin is covered with nodules of red color with white scales. Initially, skin education pinhead no more, but eventually increase.
  • Later the spots grow and merge, forming plaque. The appearance of rash accompanied by high fever, itching, burning sensation, enlarged lymph nodes.
  • When the disease progresses to the second stage of the appearance of new spots ceased. The old education begins to peel, itch and cause discomfort.
  • Sometimes psoriasis affects the conclusions. They swell and lose their original mobility. Lack of treatment can lead to disability.

How to treat psoriasis at home

The technique of psoriasis treatment is better regularly. Each year, new drugs and methods. However, the method of treating dermatitis, which provide the perfect result. In the twenty-first century medicine is powerless before the psoriasis.

Folk remedies

folk remedies for treatment of psoriasis

In the time of the Inquisition, psoriasis was considered a disease of the cursed people. For this reason, treatment of the illness only to the conspirators and sorcerers, who acted in strict secrecy. Today everything is different, pharmacies sell specialized medicines, but traditional remedies still remain appropriate.

In the treatment of psoriasis at home help decoctions and infusions. They purify the blood, normalize the nervous and the digestive system, improving immunity. This will create the conditions under which psoriasis will not be able to develop normally.

  1. Infusion of burdock. Recipe: cooked a tablespoon of burdock Cup of boiling water and infuse for one hour, covered. The mixture drain, squeeze and add boiling water to fill glass. Use tool that shows, 4 times a day before meals. This will allow to get rid of psoriasis and normalize the stomach.
  2. The root infusion. Tablespoon of dandelion roots in a mixture with the same amount of burdock root, pour a small Cup of boiling water and boil on low heat for exactly 10 minutes. Infusion strain and drink hot at 100 milliliters before meals.
  3. Barley water. Two tablespoons of barley malt flour to fall asleep in the thermos, add a litre of boiling water and infuse for 4 hours. After exhausting, the tool is ready for use. Add honey or sugar, the taste of the drug, which will become more enjoyable. The use of barley water, we recommend 6 times per day, a half a Cup.
  4. A decoction of Laurel. 20 grams of Bay leaf is a medium-sized, smash and dissolve in two cups of boiling water. The potion boil for 10 minutes, strain, cool and drink three times a day for 0.5 cups. The duration of treatment is 7 days.
  5. Infusion of celandine. A teaspoon of the herbs celandine pour a glass of boiling water and set aside in addition to at least half an hour. Soup is recommended to drink 30 minutes before a meal. Celandine is toxic, therefore, dose not change.

Traditional medicine offers, and targeting external treatment resources from the psoriasis - lotions, lotions and ointments. Such folk remedies to eliminate red-eye effect, reduce pain and swelling.

  • Grease with lard. 0.5 cups of fresh grease to mix with the same amount of grass ustionem stonecrop, treating the resulting composition with a meat grinder, add 2 tablespoons of camphor oil and heat. While heating the mixture constantly disturbed.
  • Garlic compress. A few cloves of garlic, with a key to the guest, pour a small Cup of boiling water and infuse for 3-5 hours. Ready infusion used as a compress several times a day.
  • The ointment eggs. A glass of butter to combine this with a Cup of vinegar and one raw egg, mix thoroughly and place on a week in the fridge. Consequently, the ointment is applied to affected skin psoriasis 7-8 times a day.
  • Fish oil. If you strive to get rid of the psoriasis, came to the rescue of the fish oil. Apply to the affected skin three times a day.
  • Lotion for celandine. The juice of celandine wipe the plate. Lotion only helps with mild psoriasis. Folk medicine offers a number of facilities for the treatment of psoriasis. Don't forget that folk methods do not replace the advice of your doctor and medicines.

Diet for psoriasis

Nutritionists have developed a few dozen of the diet. Products that should be included in the diet of psoriasis patients.

  • Vegetables. Vegetables are a bright color contain antioxidants that reduce inflammatory processes.
  • Porridge from cereals. Buckwheat, oatmeal and brown rice contain antioxidants and fiber.
  • Lentils, peas, beans, tofu. Containing plant fiber and protein.
  • The vegetable fats. We are talking about avocados, seeds, nuts and vegetable oils. Saturated fat, which protect cells from damage and help to cope with the rash.
  • Fish. Source of protein and mineral acids. Fish dishes can be eaten in one day. In this case, the user must select the salmon, the sardinis, mackerel and tuna.
  • Meat. Ideally, it is recommended to choose low fat varieties, chicken or Turkey.

Alcoholic beverages is better to limit, at least at the beginning. In some people, alcohol triggers a new deterioration.

In General, people should eat nutritious foods daily and to enter into the diet of new foods rich in vitamins. The whole day to eat one cereal is not necessary.

Effective treatment of psoriasis (up to 3 options)

  • Infusion of burdock
  • Root infusion
  • Barley water
  • A decoction of Laurel
  • Infusion of celandine
  • Grease for the lard
  • Garlic compress
  • Ointment eggs
  • Fish oil
  • Lotion for celandine
  • Salicylic ointment
  • Hormones
  • Negalogenizirovanny glucocorticoids